I get so fed up with the crap with Google and Apple.

OK, where am I coming from?

Let’s go back a bit…

Back in 2001, October 25, 2001, Windows XP came out.

April 29, 2005, Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) came out.

Now it is 2010. Windows XP is nearly 10 years old and Mac OS X Tiger is only 5 years old.

Google comes out with Chrome, and only releases it for Leopard and up and only on Intel Macs which only came out in the Mac world in the last couple years.

But, releases it for a nearly 10 year old Windows XP?!

What the heck is going on here!?!

There are still plenty of PPC Macs out there running Tiger. There is no reason it can’t be ported to PPC Macs … at the very least to Tiger; but if you go by years (nearly 10 years since Windows XP was released), it should actually work on earlier PPC Macs than Tiger.

Google really needs to get their head out of the Intel sandbox and think about their other users. BTW: Google Gears hasn’t been ported either.