– A Revolution is the Solution: Direct Revenue respond…

I have absolutely no problem with heaping out credit where credit is due – especially when that credit involves shutting down a rogue affiliate. Even more so when that rogue affiliate exists in the world of Adware – because all too often, it’s the easiest thing in the world for the makers of the software installed to wash their hands of all responsibility. That has been a common staple of the Adware industry for years, and the most common excuse made when things go wrong.

More in Chris Boyd’s Vital Security blog entry link above.

This piece was in regard to DirectRevenue’s response to Chris (PaperGhost)’s earlier response to DirectRevenue here where he really let folks know what was being done, the depths being sunk to, and showed beyond a shadow of doubt the lengths that are being used to make a buck and disavow any responsibility.

As I stated in my posting in the comment section:

Way to go Paperghost!

You have done a great service to consumers of the world!

At times, I am am sure it must be little consolation to be successful in shutting down only one rogue affiliate no matter how bad that rogue was, when you would probably feel so much better about taking out the ones who actually created this malware in the first place, and made this scenario actually possible. But …

Each nail.exe and Aurora.exe rogue affiiate put out of business as well as each computer user who gains freedom from these types of installations, is a ‘nail’ in the coffin of these types of companies … and it will have an aggregate effect in time.

Great job!

Now, I wonder if anyone knows what is being installed on blogs on owned by Intermix?

Speaking of Intermix, I am wondering about the PR spin being woven by Intermix regarding their supposed deal to pay off NY for $7.5M US according to article on BetaNews:

Firm Settles Spyware Suit for $7.5m